Commands Quick Reference
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Syntax Elements
"Definite-Length Block Response Data"
Number Format
NR1 specifies integer data.
NR3 specifies exponential data in floating point format (for example, -1.0E-3).
<NL> (Line Terminator)
<NL> = new line or linefeed (ASCII decimal 10).
The line terminator, or a leading colon, will send the parser to the "root" of the
command tree.
[ ] (Optional Syntax Terms)
Items enclosed in square brackets, [ ], are optional.
{ } (Braces)
When several items are enclosed by braces, { }, only one of these elements may be
selected. Vertical line ( | ) indicates "or". For example, {ON | OFF} indicates that
only ON or OFF may be selected, not both.
::= (Defined As)
::= means "defined as".
For example, <A> ::= <B> indicates that <A> can be replaced by <B> in any
statement containing <A>.