Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:DVM Commands
Command Syntax
:DVM:ARANge <setting>
<setting> ::= {{OFF | 0} | {ON | 1}}
If the selected digital voltmeter (DVM) source channel is not used in oscilloscope
triggering, the :DVM:ARANge command turns the digital voltmeter's Auto Range
capability on or off.
• When on, the DVM channel's vertical scale, vertical (ground level) position, and
trigger (threshold voltage) level (used for the counter frequency measurement)
are automatically adjusted.
The Auto Range capability overrides attempted adjustments of the channel's
vertical scale and position.
• When off, you can adjust the channel's vertical scale and position normally.
Query Syntax
The :DVM:ARANge? query returns a flag indicating whether the digital voltmeter's
Auto Range capability is on or off.
Return Format
<setting> ::= {0 | 1}
See Also