Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:TRIGger Commands
:TRIGger:PXI Commands
The PXI trigger commands set up arming and triggering between multiple M924xA
oscilloscope modules (in a chassis) to synchronize acquisitions.
Among all the modules to be synchronized, one module must be the master and
all other modules must be slaves. The :TRIGger:PXI:MODE command makes the
master or slave selection for the module or turns off PXI triggering for the module
(making it a standalone module).
The :TRIGger commands on the master module are used to define the trigger
condition. The master module outputs its trigger signal to one of the chassis
PXI_TRIG lines (0-7). All slave modules receive the trigger signal over the same
PXI_TRIG line, and their :TRIGger:MODE queries show that they are PXI slaves.
There is a separate "armed" signal from each slave module so that the master can
wait until each slave is ready before triggering. The remaining PXI_TRIG lines can
be used for the arm lines from the slave modules. With arming control, there can
be up to seven slave modules. (With software arming in remote programs, there
can be more than eight modules in a multiple-module system.)
Table 137
:TRIGger:PXI Commands Summary
Options and Query Returns
>:ENABle {{0 | OFF} |
{1 | ON}} (see
>:ENABle? (see
<setting> ::= {0 | 1}
<n> ::= 0 to (# chassis lines -
1) in NR1 format
<mode> (see
<mode> ::= {OFF | MASTer | SLAVe}
<slot_number> (see
<slot_number> ::= 2 to (# chassis
slots) in NR1 format
<trigger_line> (see
<arm_line> ::= {PTRig<n>}
<n> ::= 0 to (# chassis lines -
1) in NR1 format
| OFF} | {1 | ON}}
<setting> ::= {0 | 1}
<trigger_line> (see
<trigger_line> ::= {PTRig<n>}
<n> ::= 0 to (# chassis lines -
1) in NR1 format