Status Reporting
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
(Standard) Event Status Enable Register (ESE)
To allow any of the (Standard) Event Status Register (ESR) bits to generate a
summary bit, you must first enable that bit. Enable the bit by using the *ESE (Event
Status Enable) common command to set the corresponding bit in the (Standard)
Event Status Enable Register (ESE).
Set bits are read with the *ESE? query.
Suppose your application requires an interrupt whenever any type of error occurs.
The error related bits in the (Standard) Event Status Register are bits 2 through 5
(hexadecimal value 0x3C). Therefore, you can enable any of these bits to generate
the summary bit by sending:
myScope.WriteString "*ESE " + CStr(CInt("&H3C"))
Whenever an error occurs, it sets one of these bits in the (Standard) Event Status
Register. Because all the error related bits are enabled, a summary bit is generated
to set bit 5 (ESB) in the Status Byte Register.
If bit 5 (ESB) in the Status Byte Register is enabled (via the *SRE command), an
SRQ service request interrupt is sent to the controller PC.
See Also
"*ESE (Standard Event Status Enable)"
Disabled (Standard) Event Status Register bits respond but do not generate a summary bit.
(Standard) Event Status Register bits that are not enabled still respond to their corresponding
conditions (that is, they are set if the corresponding event occurs). However, because they are
not enabled, they do not generate a summary bit to the Status Byte Register.