:MEASure Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:MEASure:WINDow <type>
<type> ::= {MAIN | ZOOM | AUTO | GATE}
The :MEASure:WINDow command lets you choose whether measurements are
made in the Main window portion of the display, the Zoom window portion of the
display (when the zoomed time base is displayed), or gated by the X1 and X2
• MAIN — the measurement window is the Main window.
• ZOOM — the measurement window is the lower, Zoom window.
• AUTO — when the zoomed time base is displayed, the measurement is
attempted in the lower, Zoom window; if it cannot be made there, or if the
zoomed time base is not displayed, the Main window is used.
• GATE — the measurement window is between the X1 and X2 cursors. When the
zoomed time base is displayed, the X1 and X2 cursors in the Zoom window
portion of the display are used.
Query Syntax
The :MEASure:WINDow? query returns the current measurement window setting.
Return Format
<type> ::= {MAIN | ZOOM | AUTO | GATE}
See Also
"Introduction to :MEASure Commands"