Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
, “:SEARch Commands,” starting on page 945, describes commands
that control oscilloscope functions associated with searching for waveform
, “:SYSTem Commands,” starting on page 1021, describes
commands that control basic system functions of the oscilloscope.
, “:TIMebase Commands,” starting on page 1049, describes
commands that control all horizontal sweep functions.
, “:TRIGger Commands,” starting on page 1063, describes
commands that control the trigger modes and parameters for each trigger
, “:WAVeform Commands,” starting on page 1167, describes
commands that provide access to waveform data.
, “:WGEN<w> Commands,” starting on page 1205, describes
commands that control waveform generator (Option WGN) functions and
, “:WMEMory<r> Commands,” starting on page 1251, describes
commands that control reference waveforms.
, “Obsolete and Discontinued Commands,” starting on page 1261,
describes obsolete commands which still work but have been replaced by
newer commands and discontinued commands which are no longer supported.
, “Error Messages,” starting on page 1307, lists the instrument error
messages that can occur while programming the oscilloscope.
The command descriptions in this reference show upper and lowercase characters.
For example, :AUToscale indicates that the entire command name is :AUTOSCALE.
The short form, :AUT, is also accepted by the oscilloscope.
Then, there are chapters that describe programming topics and conceptual
information in more detail:
, “Status Reporting,” starting on page 1315, describes the
oscilloscope's status registers and how to check the status of the instrument.
, “Synchronizing Acquisitions,” starting on page 1347, describes
how to wait for acquisitions to complete before querying measurement results
or performing other operations with the captured data.
, “More About Oscilloscope Commands,” starting on page 1367,
contains additional information about oscilloscope programming commands.
Finally, there is a chapter that contains programming examples:
, “Programming Examples,” starting on page 1377.
See Also
• For more information on using the SICL, VISA, and VISA COM libraries in
general, see the documentation that comes with the Keysight IO Libraries
• For information on controller PC interface configuration, see the
documentation for the interface card used (for example, the Keysight 82350B
GPIB interface).