Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
automask units,
automatic measurements constants,
automatic probe type detection,
autoscale acquire mode,
autoscale channels,
AUToscale command,
Aux Out MMCX connector,
average math function, clear,
average value measurement,
Average, power modulation analysis,
averaged value math function,
averaging acquisition type,
averaging, synchronizing with,
Ax + B math function,
bandwidth filter limits,
bandwidth filter limits to 20 MHz,
bar chart of current harmonics results,
BARTlett window,
base 10 exponential math function,
base value measurement,
base, ARINC 429,
base, MIL-STD-1553 serial decode,
base, SENT decode,
base, UART trigger,
basic instrument functions,
baud rate,
baud rate, CAN FD,
baud rate, user-defined, ARINC 429,
begin acquisition,
BHARris window for minimal spectral
Bin Size, FFT,
binary block data,
BINary waveform data format,
bind levels for masks,
bit order,
bit rate measurement,
bit weights,
bitmap display,
bits in Service Request Enable
bits in Standard Event Status Enable
bits in Status Byte Register,
block data,
block response data,
blocking commands,
blocking synchronization,
blocking synchronization example,
blocking wait,
BMP format screen image data,
built-in measurements,
burst data demo signal,
burst width measurement,
burst, minimum time before next,
button disable,
button, calibration protect,
byte format for data transfer,
C, SICL library example,
C, VISA library example,
C#, SCPI.NET example,
C#, VISA COM example,
C#, VISA example,
calculating preshoot of waveform,
calculating the waveform overshoot,
CALibrate commands,
calibrate date,
calibrate introduction,
calibrate label,
calibrate output,
calibrate start,
calibrate status,
calibrate switch,
calibrate temperature,
calibrate time,
CAN acknowledge,
CAN baud rate,
CAN FD baud rate,
CAN FD data triggers, starting byte
CAN frame counters, reset,
CAN SEARch commands,
CAN serial bus commands,
CAN serial search, data,
CAN serial search, data length,
CAN serial search, ID,
CAN serial search, ID mode,
CAN serial search, mode,
CAN signal definition,
CAN source,
CAN symbolic data display,
CAN symbolic data, recall,
CAN trigger,
CAN trigger data pattern,
CAN trigger ID pattern,
CAN trigger pattern id mode,
CAN trigger, ID filter for,
CAN triggering,
capture data,
capturing data,
cardiac waveform generator output,
center frequency set,
center of screen,
center screen, vertical value at,
center time base reference,
channel coupling,
channel display,
channel input impedance,
channel inversion,
channel label,
channel labels,
channel overload,
Channel Power, FFT analysis
channel protection,
channel reset conditions,
channel selected to produce trigger,
channel signal type,
channel skew for oscilloscope probe,
channel status,
channel vernier,
channel, stop displaying,
CHANnel<n> commands,
channels to autoscale,
channels, how autoscale affects,
characters to display,
classes of input signals,
classifications, command,
clear markers,
clear measurement,
clear message from display,
clear message queue,
Clear method,
clear reference waveforms,
clear screen,
clear status,
clear waveform area,
clipped high waveform data value,
clipped low waveform data value,
Clock Extension Peripheral Interface
clock period, SENT signal,
clock source, setup and hold trigger,
clock with infrequent glitch demo
CLS (Clear Status),
CME (Command Error) status bit,
code, :ACQuire:COMPlete,
code, :ACQuire:SEGMented,
code, :ACQuire:TYPE,
code, :AUToscale,
code, :CHANnel<n>:LABel,
code, :CHANnel<n>:PROBe,
code, :CHANnel<n>:RANGe,
code, :DIGitize,
code, :DISPlay:DATA,
code, :DISPlay:LABel,
code, :MEASure:PERiod,
code, :MEASure:RESults,
code, :MEASure:TEDGe,
code, :MTESt,
code, :RUN/:STOP,
code, :SYSTem:SETup,
code, :TIMebase:DELay,