Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes
SCPI Programmer's Guide
10 :CHANnel<n> Commands
Control all oscilloscope functions associated with individual analog channels or
groups of channels. See
"Introduction to :CHANnel<n> Commands"
Table 85
:CHANnel<n> Commands Summary
Options and Query Returns
{{0 | OFF} | {1 |
ON}} (see
{0 | 1}
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
<coupling> (see
<coupling> ::= {AC | DC}
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
{{0 | OFF} | {1 |
ON}} (see
{0 | 1}
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
<impedance> (see
<impedance> ::= {ONEMeg | FIFTy}
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
{{0 | OFF} | {1 |
ON}} (see
{0 | 1}
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
<string> (see
<string> ::= any series of 32 or
less ASCII characters enclosed in
quotation marks
<n> ::= 1 to (# analog channels)
in NR1 format
<offset>[suffix] (see
<offset> ::= Vertical offset
value in NR3 format
[suffix] ::= {V | mV}
<n> ::= 1-2 or 1-4; in NR1 format