Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:FUNCtion<m> Commands
Command Syntax
:FUNCtion<m>:OPERation <operation>
<m> ::= 1 to (# math functions) in NR1 format
<operation> ::= {ADD | SUBTract | MULTiply | DIVide | DIFF | INTegrate
| FFT | FFTPhase | SQRT | MAGNify | ABSolute | SQUare | LN | LOG
| EXP | TEN | LOWPass | HIGHpass | AVERage | SMOoth | ENVelope
| LINear | MAXimum | MINimum | PEAK | MAXHold | MINHold | TRENd}
The :FUNCtion<m>:OPERation command sets the desired waveform math
operator, transform, filter or visualization:
• Operators:
ADD — S source2.
SUBTract — Source1 - source2.
MULTiply — Source1 * source2.
DIVide — Source1 / source2.
Operators perform their function on two analog channel sources.
• Transforms:
DIFF — Differentiate
INTegrate — The INTegrate:IOFFset command lets you specify a DC offset
correction factor.
FFT (magnitude) — Using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), this operation
displays the magnitudes of the frequency content that makes up the source
waveform. The FFT takes the digitized time record of the specified source
and transforms it to the frequency domain.
The SPAN, CENTer, VTYPe, and WINDow commands are used for FFT
functions. When FFT is selected, the horizontal cursors change from time to
frequency (Hz), and the vertical cursors change from volts to decibels or
FFTPhase — Using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), this operation shows
the phase relationships of the frequency content that makes up the source
waveform. The FFT takes the digitized time record of the specified source
and transforms it to the frequency domain.
The SPAN, CENTer, VTYPe, and WINDow commands are used for FFT
functions. When FFTPhase is selected, the horizontal cursors change from
time to frequency (Hz), and the vertical cursors change from volts to degrees
or radians.
LINear — Ax + B — The LINear commands set the gain (A) and offset (B)
values for this function.