:WAVeform Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Query Syntax
The :WAVeform:DATA query returns the binary block of sampled data points
transmitted using the IEEE 488.2 arbitrary block data format. The binary data is
formatted according to the settings of the :WAVeform:UNSigned,
:WAVeform:BYTeorder, :WAVeform:FORMat, and :WAVeform:SOURce commands.
The number of points returned is controlled by the :WAVeform:POINts command.
In BYTE or WORD waveform formats, these data values have special meaning:
• 0x00 or 0x0000 — Hole. Holes are locations where data has not yet been
Another situation where there can be zeros in the data, incorrectly, is when
programming over telnet port 5024. Port 5024 provides a command prompt
and is intended for ASCII transfers. Use telnet port 5025 instead.
• 0x01 or 0x0001 — Clipped low. These are locations where the waveform is
clipped at the bottom of the oscilloscope display.
• 0xFF or 0xFFFF — Clipped high. These are locations where the waveform is
clipped at the top of the oscilloscope display.
Return Format
<binary block data><NL>
See Also
• For a more detailed description of the data returned for different acquisition
types, see:
"Introduction to :WAVeform Commands"
Example Code
' QUERY_WAVE_DATA - Outputs waveform data that is stored in a buffer.
' Query the oscilloscope for the waveform data.
myScope.WriteString ":WAV:DATA?"
' READ_WAVE_DATA - The wave data consists of two parts: the header,
' and the actual waveform data followed by a new line (NL) character.
' The query data has the following format:
' Where: