:MTESt Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:MTESt:SCALe:BIND <on_off>
<on_off> ::= {{1 | ON} | {0 | OFF}}
The :MTESt:SCALe:BIND command enables or disables Bind 1 & 0 Levels (Bind -1
& 0 Levels for inverted masks) control:
• ON —
If the Bind 1 & 0 Levels control is enabled, the 1 Level and the 0 Level controls
track each other. Adjusting either the 1 Level or the 0 Level control shifts the
position of the mask up or down without changing its size.
If the Bind -1 & 0 Levels control is enabled, the -1 Level and the 0 Level controls
track each other. Adjusting either the -1 Level or the 0 Level control shifts the
position of the mask up or down without changing its size.
• OFF —
If the Bind 1 & 0 Levels control is disabled, adjusting either the 1 Level or the 0
Level control changes the vertical height of the mask.
If the Bind -1 & 0 Levels control is disabled, adjusting either the -1 Level or the
0 Level control changes the vertical height of the mask.
Query Syntax
The :MTESt:SCALe:BIND? query returns the value of the Bind 1&0 control (Bind
-1&0 for inverted masks).
Return Format
<on_off> ::= {1 | 0}
See Also
"Introduction to :MTESt Commands"