Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes
SCPI Programmer's Guide
27 :SBUS<n> Commands
Control the modes and parameters for each serial bus decode/trigger type. See:
"Introduction to :SBUS<n> Commands"
":SBUS<n>:MANChester Commands"
Introduction to
The :SBUS subsystem commands control the serial decode bus viewing, mode,
and other options.
The following serial bus decode/trigger types are available (see
CAN (Controller Area Network) triggering
— will trigger on CAN version 2.0A and
2.0B signals. Setup consists of connecting the oscilloscope to a CAN signal.
Baud rate, signal source, and signal polarity, and type of data to trigger on can
be specified. You can trigger on CAN data and identifier patterns and you can
set the bit sample point.
CXPI triggering
— lets you trigger on CXPI serial data.
These commands are only valid on oscilloscope models when a serial decode option has been