:SBUS<n> Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:SBUS<n>:NRZ:TRIGger <mode>
<mode> ::= {SOF | VALue}
The :SBUS<n>:NRZ:TRIGger command specifies the trigger mode:
• SOF (Start Of Frame) — triggers at the start of a NRZ frame, before the header
• VALue — triggers on the specified bit values (see
:SBUS<n>:NRZ:TRIGger:PATTern:VALue:WIDTh and
:SBUS<n>:NRZ:TRIGger:PATTern:VALue:DATA), up to 128 bits, after the
specified number of starting bits.
Note that the trigger value is always for bits as they arrive (that is, MSB first).
When the decode bit order (see :SBUS<n>:NRZ:BITorder) is MSBFirst, the
decoded value bit order matches the trigger value bit order.
When the serial decode bit order is LSBFirst, the decoded value bit order is
opposite of the trigger value bit order.
Query Syntax
The :SBUS<n>:NRZ:TRIGger? query returns returns the trigger mode setting.
Return Format
<mode> ::= {SOF | VAL}
See Also