Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes
SCPI Programmer's Guide
38 Synchronizing Acquisitions
Synchronization in the Programming Flow / 1348
Blocking Synchronization / 1349
Polling Synchronization With Timeout / 1350
Synchronizing with a Single-Shot Device Under Test (DUT) / 1352
Synchronization with an Averaging Acquisition / 1354
Example: Blocking and Polling Synchronization / 1356
When remotely controlling an oscilloscope with programming commands, it is
often necessary to know when the oscilloscope has finished the previous operation
and is ready for the next command. The most common example is when an
acquisition is started using the :DIGitize, :RUN, or :SINGle commands. Before a
measurement result can be queried, the acquisition must complete. Too often
fixed delays are used to accomplish this wait, but fixed delays often use excessive
time or the time may not be long enough. A better solution is to use synchronous
commands and status to know when the oscilloscope is ready for the next request.