:DISPlay Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Query Syntax
:DISPlay:DATA? [<format>][,<palette>]
<format> ::= {BMP | BMP8bit | PNG}
<palette> ::= COLor
The :DISPlay:DATA? query reads screen image data. You can choose 24-bit BMP,
8-bit BMP8bit, or 24-bit PNG formats in color.
If no format or palette option is specified, the screen image is returned in whatever
image format is selected by the front panel's
Main Menu > File > Save Menu > Format
softkey. If the
softkey does not select an image format (in other words, it
selects a setup or data format), the BMP, COLor format is used.
Screen image data is returned in the IEEE-488.2 # binary block data format.
Return Format
<display data><NL>
<display data> ::= binary block data in IEEE-488.2 # format.
See Also
"Introduction to :DISPlay Commands"
Example Code
' IMAGE_TRANSFER - In this example, we will query for the image data
' with ":DISPlay:DATA?", read the data, and then save it to a file.
Dim byteData() As Byte
myScope.IO.Timeout = 15000
myScope.WriteString ":DISPlay:DATA? BMP, COLOR"
byteData = myScope.ReadIEEEBlock(BinaryType_UI1)
' Output display data to a file:
strPath = "c:\scope\data\screen.bmp"
' Remove file if it exists.
If Len(Dir(strPath)) Then
Kill strPath
End If
Close #1
' If #1 is open, close it.
Open strPath For Binary Access Write Lock Write As #1
' Open file f
or output.
Put #1, , byteData
' Write data.
Close #1
' Close file.
myScope.IO.Timeout = 5000
See complete example programs at: