Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Programming Examples
print "Trigger edge source: %s" % qresult
do_command(":TRIGger:EDGE:LEVel 1.5")
qresult = do_query_string(":TRIGger:EDGE:LEVel?")
print "Trigger edge level: %s" % qresult
do_command(":TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe POSitive")
qresult = do_query_string(":TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe?")
print "Trigger edge slope: %s" % qresult
# Save oscilloscope setup.
setup_bytes = do_query_ieee_block(":SYSTem:SETup?")
nLength = len(setup_bytes)
f = open("c:\scope\config\setup.stp", "wb")
print "Setup bytes saved: %d" % nLength
# Change oscilloscope settings with individual commands:
# Set vertical scale and offset.
do_command(":CHANnel1:SCALe 0.05")
qresult = do_query_number(":CHANnel1:SCALe?")
print "Channel 1 vertical scale: %f" % qresult
do_command(":CHANnel1:OFFSet -1.5")
qresult = do_query_number(":CHANnel1:OFFSet?")
print "Channel 1 offset: %f" % qresult
# Set horizontal scale and offset.
do_command(":TIMebase:SCALe 0.0002")
qresult = do_query_string(":TIMebase:SCALe?")
print "Timebase scale: %s" % qresult
do_command(":TIMebase:POSition 0.0")
qresult = do_query_string(":TIMebase:POSition?")
print "Timebase position: %s" % qresult
# Set the acquisition type.
do_command(":ACQuire:TYPE NORMal")
qresult = do_query_string(":ACQuire:TYPE?")
print "Acquire type: %s" % qresult
# Or, configure by loading a previously saved setup.
f = open("c:\scope\config\setup.stp", "rb")
setup_bytes = f.read()
do_command_ieee_block(":SYSTem:SETup", array.array('B', setup_bytes))
print "Setup bytes restored: %d" % len(setup_bytes)
# Capture an acquisition using :DIGitize.
do_command(":DIGitize CHANnel1")
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# Analyze:
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