Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:SEARch Commands
Command Syntax
:SEARch:SERial:SENT:MODE <mode>
<mode> ::= {FCData | SCMid | SCData | CRCerror | PPERror}
When SENT serial decode is turned on and displayed in the Lister, the
:SEARch:SERial:SENT:MODE command specifies what to search for in the
decoded data:
• FCData — finds Fast Channel data nibbles that match the values entered using
additional softkeys.
• SCMid — finds Slow Channel Message IDs that match the value entered using
additional softkeys.
• SCData — finds Slow Channel Message IDs and Data that match the values
entered using additional softkeys.
• CRCerror — finds any CRC error, Fast or Slow.
• PPERror — finds where a nibble is either too wide or too narrow (for example,
data nibble < 12 (11.5) or > 27 (27.5) ticks wide). Sync, S&C, data, or checksum
pulse periods are checked.
Query Syntax
The :SEARch:SERial:SENT:MODE? query returns the search mode setting.
Return Format
<mode> ::= {FCD | SCM | SCD | CRC | PPER}
See Also