Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
More About Oscilloscope Commands
Example 2:
Program Message
Terminator Sets
Parser Back to
myScope.WriteString ":TIMebase:REFerence CENTer;POSition 0.00001"
myScope.WriteString ":TIMebase:REFerence CENTer"
myScope.WriteString ":TIMebase:POSition 0.00001"
A second way to send these commands is by placing TIMebase: before the
POSition command as shown in the second part of example 2. The space after
POSition is required.
Example 3:
Selecting Multiple
You can send multiple program commands and program queries for different
subsystems on the same line by separating each command with a semicolon. The
colon following the semicolon enables you to enter a new subsystem. For example:
<program mnemonic><data>;:<program mnemonic><data><terminator>
For example:
myScope.WriteString ":TIMebase:REFerence CENTer;:DISPlay:VECTors ON"
Multiple commands may be any combination of compound and simple commands.
The colon between TIMebase and RANGe is necessary because TIMebase:RANGe is a
compound command. The semicolon between the RANGe command and the POSition
command is the required program message unit separator. The POSition command does not
need TIMebase preceding it because the TIMebase:RANGe command sets the parser to the
TIMebase node in the tree.
In the first line of example 2, the subsystem selector is implied for the POSition command in
the compound command. The POSition command must be in the same program message as
the REFerence command because the program message terminator places the parser back at
the root of the command tree.
The leading colon before DISPlay:VECTors ON tells the parser to go back to the root of the
command tree. The parser can then see the DISPlay:VECTors ON command. The space
between REFerence and CENter is required; so is the space between VECTors and ON.