Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:POWer Commands
Command Syntax
The :POWer:CLResponse:APPLy command performs the control loop response
(Bode) analysis to help you determine the margin of a control loop.
A Bode plot measurement plots gain and/or phase as a function of frequency.
You can use the :POWer:CLResponse:TRACe command to specify whether to
include gain, phase, both gain and phase, or neither in the frequency response
analysis results.
This control loop response analysis requires an input sine wave (from the
oscilloscope's waveform generator, Vi) be swept from a low to a high frequency
while measuring Vi and Vo RMS voltages at each step frequency, using two
channels of the oscilloscope.
For a gain plot, gain (A, in dB units) at each step frequency is computed as
20Log(Vo/Vi) and plotted using a math function waveform.
For a phase plot, the phase difference between the channels is measured at each
step frequency. Phase measurements and plots are only possible if the input and
output waveforms exceed 1 division peak-to-peak (>1 mVpp).
It takes some time for the frequency sweep analysis to complete. You can query bit
0 of the Standard Event Status Register (*ESR?) to find out when the analysis is
See Also
"*ESR (Standard Event Status Register)"