:POWer Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage:PROFile {{0 | OFF} | {1 | ON}}
The :POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage:PROFile command enables or disables the
ability to set initial waveform generator ramp amplitudes for each frequency range.
With amplitude profiling, you can use lower amplitudes at frequencies where the
device under test (DUT) is sensitive to distortion and use higher amplitudes where
the DUT is less sensitive to distortion.
You can often observe distortions during the test. If the input test sine wave begins
to look lopsided, clipped, or somewhat triangular in shape (nonsinusoidal), you are
probably encountering distortion due to overdriving your DUT. Optimizing test
amplitudes to achieve the best dynamic range measurements is often an iterative
process of running your frequency response measurements multiple times.
Query Syntax
The :POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage:PROFile? query returns the voltage profile
Return Format
<setting> ::= {0 | 1}
See Also