Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:POWer Commands
Command Syntax
:POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage <amplitude>[,<range>]
<amplitude> ::= amplitude in volts in NR3 format
<range> ::= {F20HZ | F100HZ | F1KHZ | F10KHZ | F100KHZ | F1MHZ
| F10MHZ | F20MHZ}
The :POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage command sets the waveform generator output
When the waveform generator amplitude profile is enabled (with the
:POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage:PROFile command), you can set an initial ramp
amplitude for each frequency range.
Without the <range> parameter, this command sets the waveform generator
output amplitude used when the amplitude profile is disabled.
Query Syntax
:POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage? [<range>]
The :POWer:PSRR:WGEN:VOLTage? query returns the waveform generator output
amplitude setting(s).
Return Format
<amplitude> ::= amplitude in volts in NR3 format
See Also