Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:POWer Commands
Query Syntax
The :POWer:PSRR:DATA? query returns data from the Power Supply Rejection
Ratio (PSRR) power analysis.
The comma-separated value format is suitable for spreadsheet analysis.
You can use the :POWer:PSRR:TRACe command to specify whether to include gain
data in the PSRR analysis results.
The SWEep or SINGle option specifies whether to get the data from a sweep or
single-frequency analysis (see :POWer:PSRR:FREQuency:MODE). If this option is
not specified, the data from the sweep analysis is returned by default.
Return Format
<binary_block> ::= comma-separated data with newlines at the end of each
See Also