:SAVE Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:SAVE:WAVeform:FORMat <format>
<format> ::= {ASCiixy | CSV | BINary}
The :SAVE:WAVeform:FORMat command sets the waveform data format type:
• ASCiixy — creates comma-separated value files for each analog channel that is
displayed (turned on). The proper file extension for this format is ".csv".
• CSV — creates one comma-separated value file that contains information for all
analog channels that are displayed (turned on). The proper file extension for
this format is ".csv".
• BINary — creates an oscilloscope binary data format file. See the
User's Guide
for a description of this format. The proper file extension for this format is ".bin".
Query Syntax
The :SAVE:WAVeform:FORMat? query returns the selected waveform data format
Return Format
<format> ::= {ASC | CSV | BIN | NONE}
When NONE is returned, it indicates that an image file format is currently selected.
See Also
"Introduction to :SAVE Commands"