Programming Examples
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
DataArray = File.ReadAllBytes(strPath)
nBytesWritten = DataArray.Length
' Restore setup string.
myScope.DoCommandIEEEBlock(":SYSTem:SETup", DataArray)
Console.WriteLine("Setup bytes restored: {0}", nBytesWritten)
' Capture an acquisition using :DIGitize.
myScope.DoCommand(":DIGitize CHANnel1")
End Sub
' Analyze the captured waveform.
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Private Shared Sub Analyze()
Dim fResult As Double
Dim ResultsArray As Byte()
' Results array.
Dim nLength As Integer
' Number of bytes returned from inst.
Dim strPath As String
' Make a couple of measurements.
' ------------------------------------------------------------
myScope.DoCommand(":MEASure:SOURce CHANnel1")
Console.WriteLine("Measure source: {0}", _
fResult = myScope.DoQueryNumber(":MEASure:FREQuency?")
Console.WriteLine("Frequency: {0:F4} kHz", fResult / 1000)
fResult = myScope.DoQueryNumber(":MEASure:VAMPlitude?")
Console.WriteLine("Vertical amplitude: {0:F2} V", fResult)
' Download the screen image.
' ------------------------------------------------------------
myScope.DoCommand(":HARDcopy:INKSaver OFF")
' Get the screen data.
ResultsArray = myScope.DoQueryIEEEBlock(":DISPlay:DATA? PNG, COLor
nLength = ResultsArray.Length
' Store the screen data to a file.
strPath = "c:\scope\data\screen.png"
Dim fStream As FileStream
fStream = File.Open(strPath, FileMode.Create)
fStream.Write(ResultsArray, 0, nLength)
Console.WriteLine("Screen image ({0} bytes) written to {1}", _
nLength, strPath)
' Download waveform data.
' ------------------------------------------------------------