Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:WAVeform Commands
<header> = #800001000 (This is an example header)
' The "#8" may be stripped off of the header and the remaining
' numbers are the size, in bytes, of the waveform data block.
' size can vary depending on the number of points acquired for the
' waveform.
You can then read that number of bytes from the
' oscilloscope and the terminating NL character.
Dim lngI As Long
Dim lngDataValue As Long
varQueryResult = myScope.ReadIEEEBlock(BinaryType_UI1)
' Unsigned integer bytes.
For lngI = 0 To UBound(varQueryResult) _
Step (UBound(varQueryResult) / 20)
' 20 points.
If intBytesPerData = 2 Then
lngDataValue = varQueryResult(lngI) * 256 _
+ varQueryResult(lngI + 1)
' 16-bit value.
lngDataValue = varQueryResult(lngI)
' 8-bit value.
End If
strOutput = str "Data point " + _
CStr(lngI / intBytesPerData) + ", " + _
FormatNumber((lngDataValue - lngYReference) _
* sngYInc sngYOrigin) + " V, " + _
FormatNumber(((lngI / intBytesPerData - lngXReference) _
* sngXInc dblXOrigin) * 1000000) + " us" + vbCrLf
Next lngI
MsgBox "Waveform data:" + strOutput
See complete example programs at: