:MARKer Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:MARKer:MODE <mode>
<mode> ::= {OFF | MEASurement | MANual | WAVeform | BINary | HEX}
The :MARKer:MODE command sets the cursors mode:
• OFF — removes the cursor information from the display.
• MANual — enables manual placement of the X and Y cursors.
If the front-panel cursors are off, or are set to the front-panel Hex or Binary
mode, setting :MARKer:MODE MANual will put the cursors in the front-panel
Normal mode.
• MEASurement — cursors track the most recent measurement.
Setting the mode to MEASurement sets the marker sources
(:MARKer:X1Y1source and :MARKer:X2Y2source) to the measurement source
(:MEASure:SOURce). Setting the measurement source remotely always sets the
marker sources.
• WAVeform — the Y1 cursor tracks the voltage value at the X1 cursor of the
waveform specified by the X1Y1source, and the Y2 cursor does the same for the
X2 cursor and its X2Y2source.
• BINary — logic levels of displayed waveforms at the current X1 and X2 cursor
positions are displayed in the Cursor sidebar dialog in binary.
• HEX — logic levels of displayed waveforms at the current X1 and X2 cursor
positions are displayed in the Cursor sidebar dialog in hexadecimal.
Query Syntax
The :MARKer:MODE? query returns the current cursors mode.
Return Format
<mode> ::= {OFF | MEAS | MAN | WAV | BIN | HEX}
See Also
"Introduction to :MARKer Commands"