:TRIGger Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
It is important to identify the master slot number on each slave
(:TRIGger:PXI:MSLot) so that the proper set of calibration factors can be used
when aligning waveforms. Calibration factors are created and saved using the
KtScopeCal.exe application on the chassis controller.
It is also important that each module in the system phase-lock its timebase to the
PXIe 100 MHz reference (:ACQuire:RSIGnal PXIE).
After trigger and arm lines are properly configured, calibration factors are created,
the master slot is identified in all slaves, and the PXIe 100 MHz reference signal is
selected, you are ready to use the multiple-oscilloscope system. Follow this
sequence to keep acquisitions correlated:
When running, stop acquisitions on the master first.
Configure the trigger on the master.
Start running (or single) acquisitions on the slaves (they will wait for triggers
from the master).
Start running (or single) acquisitions on the master.
As with standalone M924xA oscilloscope modules, use single acquisitions for the
deepest acquisitions possible.