:ACQuire Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:ACQuire:COMPlete <complete>
<complete> ::= 100; an integer in NR1 format
The :ACQuire:COMPlete command affects the operation of the :DIGitize command.
It specifies the minimum completion criteria for an acquisition. The parameter
determines the percentage of the time buckets that must be "full" before an
acquisition is considered complete. If :ACQuire:TYPE is NORMal, it needs only one
sample per time bucket for that time bucket to be considered full.
The only legal value for the :COMPlete command is 100. All time buckets must
contain data for the acquisition to be considered complete.
Query Syntax
The :ACQuire:COMPlete? query returns the completion criteria (100) for the
currently selected mode.
Return Format
<completion_criteria> ::= 100; an integer in NR1 format
See Also
"Introduction to :ACQuire Commands"
Example Code
' AQUIRE_COMPLETE - Specifies the minimum completion criteria for
' an acquisition.
The parameter determines the percentage of time
' buckets needed to be "full" before an acquisition is considered
' to be complete.
myScope.WriteString ":ACQuire:COMPlete 100"
See complete example programs at: