:POWer Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:POWer:HARMonics:RPOWer <source>
<source> ::= {MEASured | USER}
When Class D is selected as the current harmonics analysis standard, the
:POWer:HARMonics:RPOWer command specifies whether the Real Power value
used for the current-per-watt measurement is measured by the oscilloscope or is
defined by the user.
When USER is selected, use the :POWer:HARMonics:RPOWer:USER command to
enter the user-defined value.
Query Syntax
The :POWer:HARMonics:RPOWer? query returns the Real Power source setting.
Return Format
<source> ::= {MEAS | USER}
See Also