Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:SBUS<n> Commands
Command Syntax
:SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:SYMBolic:MESSage <name>
<name> ::= quoted ASCII string
The :SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:SYMBolic:MESSage command specifies the message
to trigger on when CAN symbolic data has been loaded (recalled) into the
oscilloscope and the CAN trigger mode is set to MESSage or MSIGnal.
Query Syntax
The :SBUS<n>:CAN:TRIGger:SYMBolic:MESSage? query returns the specified
Return Format
<name> ::= quoted ASCII string
See Also