Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:MEASure Commands
Query Syntax
The :MEASure:RESults? query returns the results of the continuously displayed
measurements. The response to the MEASure:RESults? query is a list of
comma-separated values.
If more than one measurement is running continuously, the :MEASure:RESults
return values are duplicated for each continuous measurement from the first to
last (top to bottom) result displayed. Each result returned is separated from the
previous result by a comma. There is a maximum of 10 continuous measurements
that can be continuously displayed at a time.
When no quick measurements are installed, the :MEASure:RESults? query returns
nothing (empty string). When the count for any of the measurements is 0, the
value of infinity (9.9E+37) is returned for the min, max, mean, and standard
Return Format
<result_list> ::= comma-separated list of measurement results
The following shows the order of values received for a single measurement if
:MEASure:STATistics is set to ON.
Measurement label, current, min, max, mean, std dev, and count are only returned
if :MEASure:STATistics is ON.
If :MEASure:STATistics is set to CURRent, MIN, MAX, MEAN, STDDev, or COUNt
only that particular statistic value is returned for each measurement that is on.
See Also
"Introduction to :MEASure Commands"
Example Code
' This program shows the InfiniiVision oscilloscopes' measurement
' statistics commands.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Public myMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Public myScope As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Public varQueryResult As Variant
Public strQueryResult As String
nt label
std dev