Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Synchronizing Acquisitions
Slow, as you don't want to poll the oscilloscope too fast.
DOES NOT work for Equivalent time mode.
MUST use the blocking
Does NOT work for Average Acquisition type
:SINGle does not do a complete average
It does a single acquisition as if it were in NORMal
acq. type
Counting triggers in :RUN is much too slow
Works for Segmented Memory, BUT if any post processing is done
on the oscilloscope, for example measurements, lister, math, as
this reports that the acquisition is done, which is correct,
BUT the processing is NOT done, and it will take an indefinite
amount of time to wait for that, though there is no way to tell
if it is done.
Use the blocking_method for Segmented Memory.
Can't be used effectively for synchronizing math functions
It can be done by applying an additional hard coded wait after
the acquisition is done.
At least 200 ms is suggested, more
may be required.
However, as long as the timeout is not excessively short, the
math happens fast enough that once :OPERegister:CONDition?
comes back as done that one can just wait for it when it is
time to pull the math waveform.
The exception would be for eye
or jitter mode on a 6000 X-Series oscilloscope, where the
processing time can be long.
Still need some maximum timeout (here MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT),
ideally, or the script will sit in the while loop forever if
there is no trigger event
Max timeout (here MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT) must also account for any
processing done (see comments on math above)
Max timeout (here MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT) must also account for time
to arm the scope and finish the acquisition
This arm/trigger/finish part is accounted for in the main script.
# How it works:
What really matters is the RUN bit in the Operation Condition
(not Event) Register.
This bit changes based on the
oscilloscope state.
If the oscilloscope is running, it is high (8), and low (0) if
it is stopped.
The only (best) way to get at this bit is with the
:OPERation:CONDition? query.
The Operation Condition Register