Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
, “:DEMO Commands,” starting on page 317, describes commands
that control the education kit demonstration signals that can be output on the
oscilloscope's Demo 1 and Demo 2 terminals.
, “:DISPlay Commands,” starting on page 321, describes commands
that control how waveforms, graticule, and text are displayed and written on
the screen.
, “:DVM Commands,” starting on page 343, describes commands
that control the digital voltmeter analysis feature.
, “:EXTernal Trigger Commands,” starting on page 349, describes
commands that control the input characteristics of the external trigger input.
, “:FRANalysis Commands,” starting on page 355, describes
commands that control oscilloscope functions associated with the Frequency
Response Analysis (FRA) feature, which is available is with the license-enabled
built-in waveform generator).
, “:FUNCtion<m> Commands,” starting on page 371, describes
commands that control math waveforms.
, “:HCOPY Commands,” starting on page 413, describes commands
that set and query the selection of hardcopy device and formatting options.
, “:LISTer Commands,” starting on page 417, describes commands
that turn on/off the Lister display for decoded serial data and get the Lister
, “:MARKer Commands,” starting on page 421, describes commands
that set and query the settings of X-axis markers (X1 and X2 cursors) and the
Y-axis markers (Y1 and Y2 cursors).
, “:MEASure Commands,” starting on page 443, describes
commands that select automatic measurements (and control markers).
, “:MEASure Power Commands,” starting on page 531, describes
measurement commands that are available when the power measurements and
analysis application is licensed and enabled.
, “:MTESt Commands,” starting on page 555, describes commands
that control the license-enabled mask test feature.
, “:POWer Commands,” starting on page 589, describes commands
that control the license-enabled power measurement application.
, “:RECall Commands,” starting on page 693, describes commands
that recall previously saved oscilloscope setups, reference waveforms, or
, “:SAVE Commands,” starting on page 703, describes commands
that save oscilloscope setups, screen images, and data.
, “:SBUS<n> Commands,” starting on page 733, describes
commands that control oscilloscope functions associated with the serial
decode bus and serial triggering.