Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:MTESt Commands
Command Syntax
:MTESt:AMASk:XDELta <value>
<value> ::= X delta value in NR3 format
The :MTESt:AMASk:XDELta command sets the tolerance in the X direction around
the waveform for the automasking feature. The absolute value of the tolerance will
be added and subtracted to horizontal values of the waveform to determine the
boundaries of the mask.
The horizontal tolerance value is interpreted based on the setting specified by the
:MTESt:AMASk:UNITs command; thus, if you specify 250-E3, the setting for
:MTESt:AMASk:UNITs is CURRent, and the current setting specifies time in the
horizontal direction, the tolerance will be ±250 ms. If the setting for
:MTESt:AMASk:UNITs is DIVisions, the same X delta value will set the tolerance to
±250 millidivisions, or 1/4 of a division.
Query Syntax
The :MTEST:AMASk:XDELta? query returns the current setting of the
X tolerance
for automasking. If your computer program will interpret this value, it should also
request the current measurement system using the :MTESt:AMASk:UNITs query.
Return Format
<value> ::= X delta value in NR3 format
See Also
"Introduction to :MTESt Commands"
Example Code