Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:WMEMory<r> Commands
Command Syntax
:WMEMory<r>:DISPlay <on_off>
<r> ::= 1 to (# ref waveforms) in NR1 format
<on_off> ::= {{1 | ON} | {0 | OFF}}
The :WMEMory<r>:DISPlay command turns the display of the specified reference
waveform on or off.
There are two reference waveform locations, but only one reference waveform can
be displayed at a time. That means, if :WMEMory1:DISPlay is ON, sending the
:WMEMory2:DISPlay ON command will automatically set :WMEMory1:DISPlay
Query Syntax
The :WMEMory<r>:DISPlay? query returns the current display setting for the
reference waveform.
Return Format
<on_off> ::= {1 | 0}
See Also
, “:WMEMory<r> Commands,” starting on page 1251