:WMEMory<r> Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:WMEMory<r>:LABel <string>
<r> ::= 1 to (# ref waveforms) in NR1 format
<string> ::= quoted ASCII string
The :WMEMory<r>:LABel command sets the reference waveform label to the string
that follows.
Setting a label for a reference waveform also adds the name to the label list in
non-volatile memory (replacing the oldest label in the list).
Query Syntax
The :WMEMory<r>:LABel? query returns the label associated with a particular
reference waveform.
Return Format
<string> ::= quoted ASCII string
See Also
, “:WMEMory<r> Commands,” starting on page 1251
Label strings are 10 characters or less, and may contain any commonly used ASCII characters.
Labels with more than 10 characters are truncated to 10 characters. Lower case characters
are converted to upper case.