:SEARch Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:SEARch:SERial:M1553:MODE <value>
<value> ::= {DSTArt | CSTArt | RTA | RTA11 | PERRor | SERRor | MERRor}
The :SEARch:SERial:M1553:MODE command selects the type of MIL-STD-1553
information to find in the Lister display:
• DSTArt — searches for the start of a Data word (at the end of a valid Data Sync
• CSTArt — searches for the start of a Command/Status word (at the end of a
valid C/S Sync pulse).
• RTA — searches for the Remote Terminal Address (RTA) of a Command/Status
• RTA11 — searches for the Remote Terminal Address (RTA) and the additional 11
bits of a Command/Status word.
• PERRor — searches for (odd) parity errors for the data in the word.
• SERRor — searches for invalid Sync pulses.
• MERRor — searches for Manchester encoding errors.
In the RTA or RTA11 modes, the Remote Terminal Address is specified using the
:SEARch:SERial:M1553:RTA command.
In the RTA11 mode, the additional 11 bits are specified using the
:SEARch:SERial:M1553:PATTern:DATA command.
Query Syntax
The :SEARch:SERial:M1553:MODE? query returns the currently selected mode.
Return Format
<value> ::= {DSTA | CSTA | RTA | RTA11 | PERR | SERR | MERR}
See Also
, “:SEARch Commands,” starting on page 945