Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:POWer Commands
Command Syntax
:POWer:SIGNals:VSTeady:TRANsient <value>[suffix]
<value> ::= Expected steady state output Voltage value in NR3 format
[suffix] ::= {V | mV}
The :POWer:SIGNals:VSTeady:TRANsient command specifies the expected steady
state output DC voltage of the power supply for transient response analysis.
This value is used along with the overshoot percentage to specify the settling band
for the transient response and to adjust the vertical scale of the oscilloscope.
Query Syntax
The :POWer:SIGNals:VSTeady:TRANsient query returns the expected steady state
voltage setting.
Return Format
<value> ::= Expected steady state output Voltage value in NR3 format
See Also