Obsolete and Discontinued Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:CHANnel:LABel <source_text><string>
<source_text> ::= {CHANnel1 | CHANnel2}
<string> ::= quoted ASCII string
The :CHANnel:LABel command sets the source text to the string that follows.
Setting a channel will also result in the name being added to the label list.
Query Syntax
The :CHANnel:LABel? query returns the label associated with a particular analog
Return Format
<string> ::= quoted ASCII string
The :CHANnel:LABel command is an obsolete command provided for compatibility to previous
oscilloscopes. Use the :CHANnel<n>:LABel command (see