Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:TRIGger Commands
Command Syntax
:TRIGger:HOLDoff:RANDom {{0 | OFF} | {1 | ON}}
The :TRIGger:HOLDoff:RANDom command enables or disables the random trigger
holdoff mode. This mode randomizes the holdoff time from one acquisition to the
next. The randomized holdoff time values will be between the values specified by
the :TRIGger:HOLDoff:MINimum and :TRIGger:HOLDoff:MAXimum commands.
The random trigger holdoff mode ensures that the oscilloscope re-arms after each
acquisition in a manner that minimizes or eliminates the likelihood of triggering at
the beginning of a DDR burst. Randomizing the holdoff time increases the
likelihood that the oscilloscope will trigger on different data phases of a
multi-phase (8 data transfer) burst. This mode mixes up the traffic pattern the
oscilloscope triggers on and is very effective when used on repeating patterns.
Query Syntax
The :TRIGger:HOLDoff:RANDom? query returns random trigger holdoff mode
Return Format
<setting> ::= {0 | 1}
See Also