:SBUS<n> Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:SBUS<n>:CXPI:TRIGger <mode>
<mode> ::= {SOF | EOF | PTYPe | ID | DATA | LDATa | CRCerror
| PARityerror | IBSerror | IFSerror | FRAMingerror | DLENgtherror
| SAMPleerror | ALLerrors | SLEepframe | WAKeuppulse}
The :SBUS<n>:CXPI:TRIGger command selects the CXPI trigger type:
• SOF — (Start of Frame) triggers at the start bit of any frame.
• EOF — (End of Frame) triggers at the end of any frame.
• PTYPe — triggers on any frame that starts with the special PTYPE byte.
PTYPE frames begins with an extra PID byte with a Frame ID of 0000000b
(reserved for only PTYPE frames). The PTYPE PID byte is then followed by a
regular PID byte and the rest of the normal frame. The extra PTYPE byte is never
included in the CRC calculation.
• ID — (Frame ID) triggers on a user-defined Frame ID at the end of the PID byte.
The Frame ID value is user-defined, 7 bits, and has bitwise don't-cares. You can
specify whether to trigger on PTYPE present or no PTYPE present.
• DATA — (Frame ID, Info and Data) triggers on CXPI frames at the end of the last
data byte defined in the trigger. In addition to the PID value, you can specify
the contents of the Frame Info byte with bitwise don't-cares. You can specify up
to 12 data bytes on which to trigger with bitwise don't-cares.
• LDATa — (Frame ID, Info and Data (Long Frame)) triggers on CXPI frames at the
end of the last data byte defined in the trigger. The standard DLC field will be
locked to 1111b. You can specify up to 12 bytes of data on which to trigger and
specify the start byte number as an offset. The offset can be up to 255.
• CRCerror — (CRC Field Error) triggers when the calculated CRC does not match
the transmitted CRC. You can optionally filter by Frame ID and PTYPE as in the
Frame ID trigger.
• PARityerror — triggers when the parity bit in the PID or PTYPE field is not
• IBSerror — (Inter-Byte Space Error) triggers when there are more than 9 bits
between consecutive bytes in a frame. You can optionally filter by Frame ID and
PTYPE as in the Frame ID trigger.
• IFSerror — (Inter-Frame Space Error) triggers when there are fewer than 10 idle
bits before a new frame begins.
• FRAMingerror — triggers when the stop bit of a byte is not logical 1. You can
optionally filter by Frame ID and PTYPE as in the Frame ID trigger.