:MEASure Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:MEASure:NWIDth [<source>]
<source> ::= {CHANnel<n> | FUNCtion<m> | MATH<m> | WMEMory<r>}
<n> ::= 1 to (# of analog channels) in NR1 format
<m> ::= 1 to (# math functions) in NR1 format
<r> ::= 1 to (# ref waveforms) in NR1 format
The :MEASure:NWIDth command installs a screen measurement and starts a
negative pulse width measurement. If the optional source parameter is not
specified, the current source is modified.
Query Syntax
:MEASure:NWIDth? [<source>]
The :MEASure:NWIDth? query measures and outputs the width of the negative
pulse on the screen closest to the trigger reference using the midpoint between
the upper and lower thresholds.
FOR the negative pulse closest to the trigger point:
width = (time at trailing rising edge - time at leading falling edge)
Return Format
<value> ::= negative pulse width in seconds in NR3 format
See Also
"Introduction to :MEASure Commands"
This command is not available if the source is FFT (Fast Fourier Transform).