:MARKer Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:MARKer:XUNits <units>
<units> ::= {SEConds | HERTz | DEGRees | PERCent}
The :MARKer:XUNits command sets the X cursors units:
• SEConds — for making time measurements.
• HERTz — for making frequency measurements.
• DEGRees — for making phase measurements. Use the :MARKer:XUNits:USE
command to set the current X1 location as 0 degrees and the current X2
location as 360 degrees.
• PERCent — for making ratio measurements. Use the :MARKer:XUNits:USE
command to set the current X1 location as 0 percent and the current X2
location as 100 percent.
Changing X units affects the input and output values of the :MARKer:X1Position,
:MARKer:X2Position, and :MARKer:XDELta commands/queries.
Query Syntax
The :MARKer:XUNits? query returns the current X cursors units.
Return Format
<units> ::= {SEC | HERT | DEGR | PERC}
See Also
"Introduction to :MARKer Commands"