Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:MARKer Commands
Command Syntax
When DEGRees is selected for :MARKer:XUNits, the :MARKer:XUNits:USE
command sets the current X1 location as 0 degrees and the current X2 location as
360 degrees.
When PERCent is selected for :MARKer:XUNits, the :MARKer:XUNits:USE
command sets the current X1 location as 0 percent and the current X2 location as
100 percent.
Once the 0 and 360 degree or 0 and 100 percent locations are set, inputs to and
outputs from the :MARKer:X1Position, :MARKer:X2Position, and :MARKer:XDELta
commands/queries are relative to the set locations.
See Also
"Introduction to :MARKer Commands"