Carl Zeiss
ConfoCor 3
126 M60-1-0025
Enable Laser Shutter Filter Wheel
If additional shutters (before the HeNe lasers and DSSP lasers and a line suppression filter wheel for the
Argon laser) are available in the laser module, they can be activated by checking the
Enable laser
shutter filter wheel
check box.
In this case, if the HeNe and DSSP filters are not used, a shutter will be placed in front of them; a line
selection filter will be used for the laser line activated for the Argon laser.
Note, that activating more than two lines of the Argon laser, no line selection filter will be used.
This function is recommended when measuring close (within 0.2 µm) to the cover slip glass to
suppress any residual excitation light.
Control AOTF Dampening Automatically
If the
Control AOTF dampening automatically
check box is ticked, the laser AOTF setting will be
extended into the lower dynamic range. Please note that in case two activated laser are set at different
ranges, the one in the lower range will be set to the lowest available AOTF of the higher range.
If the box is unchecked, the AOTF can be suppressed overall by a certain percentage. By moving the slider
of the
AOTF Power (%)
selection box, the respective dampening factor can be set.