ConfoCor 3
Action Buttons
Carl Zeiss
02/2010 M60-1-0025
(3) Model
Load a suitable model from the
pull down menu. The name of the model will be displayed in the
Model Display
box. All the terms and components of the model will be displayed in a tabular form. You
can deselect and select terms by de-checking / checking the boxes on the left of each term.
All parameters belonging to one term are listed as a block in the
column, which shows the
term and parameter names.
The current parameter values are displayed in the
column. You can edit a value by typing. The
handling of the parameter is defined in the
column. By clicking with the left mouse button in the
respective field, a button tab becomes available. Use the arrow head to open the drop down menu.
Three options for the parameter setting will become available (Fig. 110):
If you select
, the parameter will be defined as free. After the fit, the field will contain the fit
result for the parameter. The start values of the parameter (initial guesses) will be calculated by an
allows you to fix the parameter. This is useful if you know its value from other measurements.
will assign a start value to the parameter and leaves the parameter free to fit. In this case, no
initial guesses will be made.
Upper and lower values for the fit parameters can be entered in the fields of the Upper limit and Lower
limit columns. Defaults are the extreme possible values. If fit limits fall short or are exceeded, the fit will
try to find another solution or will fail.
The global link status of a parameter is displayed in the Link column. By clicking with the left mouse
button in the respective field, a button tab becomes available. Use the arrow head to open the drop
down menu. Five options for the linking a parameter will become available (Fig. 111):
Link measurement
: links a parameter from different measurements (abbreviated
Link kinetic indexes
: links a parameter from the same time points (abbreviated
Link positions
: links a parameter obtained from measurements at the same site (abbreviated
Link repetitions
: links a parameter for all repetitions of one measurement (abbreviated
Link channels
: link a parameter for the same channels (abbreviated
Fig. 110
Type drop down menu
Fig. 111
Link drop down menu