Carl Zeiss
System Configuration
ConfoCor 3
32 M60-1-0025
Please note that there is only 1 pinhole for both channels for the ConfoCor 3. You can adjust the
pinhole to either channel. The values for the pinhole alignment done with the last channel will be
stored and used.
A method is always saved together with the beam path configuration, lasers activated, pinhole
settings and the measurement conditions. A beam path is saved only with the pinhole settings. Set
the desired pinhole diameter using the slider, the scroll arrows or type into the input box.
This will alter automatically the pinhole diameter also for the method in the
panel. If you
need another pinhole size for doing the pinhole alignment be sure to reset it before saving the
Tick the
check box to perform a coarse adjustment in x and y. The pinhole will travel over the
maximum range for each axis. Untick to perform a fine adjustment in x and y. The pinhole will travel
only a limited distance around the peak found in the coarse alignment.
If the pinholes are adjusted for the first time, the coarse adjustment must be performed first and
then the fine adjustment, each time for x and y. For subsequent readjustments, the fine adjustment
is normally sufficient.
Click on the
and on
auto adjust buttons to perform a coarse / fine alignment of the pinhole in x
and y, respectively. In either case, the
Pinhole Adjustment
window will appear (Fig. 37). In the Count
Rate/Position diagram, the crosses correspond to the measured intensity (count rate). The line
corresponds to the intensity curve fitted to the data points to find the optimum pinhole position. The
pinhole will be automatically positioned to the maximum. If a maximum will not be found in the fine
alignment, the system will give a warning message. In this case, a coarse alignment must be
performed before the fine adjustment.