Carl Zeiss
ConfoCor 3
42 M60-1-0025
Bleach a whole in a suitable sample like a dried dye layer and record coordinates.
Image your sample.
Press the
Cross Hair
button. This will display a cross hair in your scan image. Click again to remove
the cross hair. Position the crosshair at the coordinates recorded before. The crosshair will be
positioned on the site were you click with the left mouse button. We recommend that having set the
crosshair you do not close that
window. Then the crosshair will be preserved within the new
scan. Remember to use the same frame size, resolution and rotation for the image as the one you
have used to determine the position of the laser beam. Fix the cross hair by pressing the
Lock Cross
button. This prevents the cross hair from moving by an accidental click in the image window.
Scan the image continuously and position the site of interest under the crosshair manually or if a
scanning stage is available by using the compass rose with the
XY Stage
tab activated, or a joy stick.
Perform your measurement.
Please note that the cross hair tool is just an overlay tool and serves only the function to mark a site
of interest. It will not position the laser beam at the defined position; the laser will stay with the
scanning mirrors parked. It is meant for manually position your sample, if you want to measure
without the beam being displaced off the optical axis. If you want to position with stage or
scanners, you have to go to the
LSM image