Carl Zeiss
ConfoCor 3
124 M60-1-0025
Example 2 - The following words will be recorded:
at W3:
high byte: 00010001(bin) = 11 (hex); low byte: 123 (dec) = 7B (hex); resulting word = 7B11 (hex)
at W4:
high byte: 00100100(bin) = 24 (hex); low byte: 255 (dec) = FF (hex); resulting word = FF24 (hex)
The first 30 bytes of the raw data file contain the comment "ConfoCor_x_-_Raw_data_file_1.0" and
have to be ignored.
ConfoCor 2 & 3 LSM Rel 2.x and 3.x
This format is already processed into one that describes the time distance between photons.
The format is explained in Fig. 132. The figure displays the raw data in an editor that shows the raw data
in file offset, hexadecimal and as ASCII.
Fig. 132
Rel. 4.x and ZEN raw data format
The first 52 bytes (bytes 1-52) represent the File identifier with the channel number. The identifier is a
randomly created number that will be assigned to all repetitions of the same measurement.
The next 16 bytes (bytes 53-68) is the measurement identifier. This will be assigned to all channels of the
same repetition. Hence, in a cross-correlation experiment, the two auto-correlation pairs that belong
together can be identified.
The next 4 bytes (bytes 69-72) encode the position of the measurement and are zero based.
The next 4 bytes (bytes 73-76) encode the kinetic index and are zero based.
The next 4 bytes (bytes 77-80) encode the repetition number and are zero based.
The next 4 bytes (bytes 81-84) are reserved for comments and set to 0.
The next 4 bytes (bytes 85 -corresponding to a file offset of 5E (hex)=94 (dec)-to 88) code for the first
pulse distance in detector clocks.
The next bytes (starting from byte 89) code for follow up pulse distances.