Conceptual Diagram of Memory
RIVAGE PM10 Operation Manual
The scene memories of the RIVAGE PM10 system hold mixing data such as channel fader levels and
EQ, as well as all of the following:
• Patch settings
• Fader layer selection status of each bay
• Fade time settings
• Focus settings
• Playback link settings
When a scene is recalled, it is recalled to the current mix data through three filters: Focus, Recall
Safe, and Channel Isolate (described below).
• Focus function
Focus is a function that lets you select which part of the data will be recalled when recalling scene
Focus settings are saved in the data of each scene.
Example: In a live concert where the engineer also changes for each band, it might be desirable to
adjust the GEQ for each engineer. The Focus function can be set for each scene, so even if
the GEQ is adjusted for the first song, scenes for the second and subsequent songs can be
recalled with Focus settings that exclude the GEQ, so that the GEQ settings of the first
song are preserved.
• Recall Safe function
Recall Safe is a function that protects the parameters of the current mix from being affected by a
scene memory that is recalled.
Recall Safe settings are saved independently from the scene data.
Example: In a show that consists of numerous existing scenes, if a special mic (for a presenter or
safety announcement) is added after the scenes were created, settings with this mic unused
would be recalled each time a scene was recalled. In this case, that mic channel alone can
be given the Recall Safe setting ALL so that it will be excluded from scene recall; that
channel alone can be operated manually regardless of recalls. In the same way, if a
rehearsal mic channel is to be turned off during the actual performance, that channel can
be set to Recall Safe.
In addition to the above, the RIVAGE PM10 system provides the following functionality.
How Focus and Recall Safe are related
The Focus function and the Recall Safe function both apply filtering to the data that is recalled.
However, they have an inverse relationship in that the Focus function determines “what portion of
the scene data is recalled,” while the Recall Safe function determines “what parameters of the
current mix data are not affected by the recall.”
Focus settings are saved in the data of each scene, and are used only when that specific scene is
recalled. Recall Safe settings are common to all scenes.
Recall Safe and Focus can be used together; channels/parameters that either of the two functions
excludes from recall (made safe / not in the focus) will not be recalled.
In other words, only channels/parameters that are in Focus and are not in Recall Safe will be
When scene data is recalled, it is not usually the case that you want to recall all of the data every
time; in most cases, you want to selectively recall only the needed data from the scene data.
By using either or both of these functions appropriately for your specific situation, you can flexibly
meet a variety of mixing requirements.